TPU elastomer cuir-ris

  • Yihoo tpu elastomer (elastomentane polyurethantic polytothene polytomene) cuir ris

    Yihoo tpu elastomer (elastomentane polyurethantic polytothene polytomene) cuir ris

    Tha an elastomer Homputhere Polyuthothane (TPU), le a thogalaichean sàr-mhath agus an tagradh farsaing, air a thighinn gu bhith na stuthan elastomer teirmeach, a tha nam moileciuilean bunaiteach le glè bheag de thar-chòmhdach.

    Tha mòran de thasanslinks corporra air an cruthachadh leis na bannan Hydroges eadar slabhraidhean Molecular Polyuretine, a tha a 'cluich an aghaidh àrd-aghaidh agus seasamh Hydrolysssses agus seasamh moddy. These excellent properties make thermoplastic polyurethane widely used in many fields such as footwear, cable, clothing, automobile, medicine and health, pipe, film and sheet.